Service to our Sisters includes our emergency grant programs for both collegians and alumnae in financial distress. We have awarded more than $1,275,000 to our sisters in need through these emergency grants.
The Abigail Davis Emergency Grant Fund provides grants of up to $3,500 for short-term assistance to collegians who are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties and are faced with the prospect of having to leave school. Grants must be used for tuition, books, or school fees. Grants may not be used for sorority dues or room and board.
The Clasped Hands Fund provides emergency financial assistance to Alpha Delta Pi alumnae who find themselves in financial distress. Need and circumstances determine the amount of each grant.
Violets for My Sisters
Our annual fundraiser to provide for alumnae members in financial distress will be a Virtual Violets for My Sisters.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN VIOLETS FOR MY SISTERS, PLEASE MAKE YOUR GIFT AT WWW.VIOLETSFORMYSISTERS.ORG (not on this Day of Giving site). Gifts made here will go to the Clasped Hands Fund Endowment.
The Foundation staff will administratively enter Violets for My Sisters gifts during Day of Giving so they count towards our Day of Giving totals.
Notifications will be sent via email to all honorees.