You have heard the story of Eugenia, Elizabeth, Ella, Mary, Octavia, and Sophronia. After leaving their families, they arrived by train or horse and carriage in Macon, Georgia to pursue their education at the first college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women. Our Founders were inspired and empowered to establish The Adelphean Society – the first secret society in the world for college women.
Our history belongs to you, as you have worn our diamond-shaped badge. You are part of the Alpha Delta Pi story. You have an opportunity to leave a vibrant, living legacy for our members and the world. Together, we can plan for ongoing and future collections. We can learn more about our history through new discoveries and stories that have yet been untold.
- Leave a legacy for generations to come
- Preserve our history and our priceless archival items
- Provide global access for research and social interaction
- Renovate the existing indoor museum space and outdoor Hubbard Memorial Gardens at Alpha Delta Pi Memorial Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. This updated space will balance contemporary design with historic architectural features. Digital exhibits will be accessible to all users and easily updated by staff. Exposure to our collections will invite members and non-members to learn our history, while traveling exhibits will engage even more members.
- Create a fully digitized collection of the archival materials currently in our holdings and establish integrated preservation and management practices to ensure the capture and conservation of future acquisitions, including digital-born media. This includes a digital collection for every chapter - open and dormant.
- Implement necessary structural improvements of the Fitzgerald gravesite and provide for the perpetual care of Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald’s memorial in the historic Rosehill Cemetery in Macon, Georgia, and other physical archives in Macon. Markers will be added to the other five Founders’ graves in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, recognizing their role in creating The Adelphean Society.