Alpha Theta-Washington

The Alpha Theta Anniversary Scholarship was established in 1991 in honor of the chapter's 75th anniversary. The 2022-2023 recipient was Sarah Clark, Alpha Theta.

 The Jeanette Virginia Barrows Scholarship was established in 1996 by Eleanor Barrows Bower, Alpha Theta—University of Washington, in memory of her sister. This scholarship is currently awarded thanks to supplemental funds from the general scholarship fund. This fund was established long before the minimum endowment level was raised to $25,000. An additional $9,305 would allow this fund to stand on its own. The 2022-2023 recipients were Colleen Kennedy, Alpha Theta and Genevieve Pritchard, Alpha Theta.

The Marjorie M. and Rolf Lauritz Steberg Scholarship was established in 1992 by Gretchen Collins Campbell, Upsilon—Washington State University, in memory of her parents to benefit sisters from Upsilon—Washington State University, Alpha Theta—University of Washington, and Beta Kappa—University of British Columbia. The 2022-2023 recipient was Sarah Clark, Alpha Theta.

The Betty Hitchman Hurley Memorial Scholarship was originally established in 1978 through a gift from Gerald V. and Betty H. Hurley and moved to the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation in 2019 by the alumnae overseeing the scholarship fund. This scholarship will benefit a member of member of Alpha Theta—University of Washington pursuing a graduate degree. The 2022-2023 recipient was Colleen Kennedy, Alpha Theta.

The Roderick M. and Rosalyn Doze Williams Scholarship was established by Rosalyn Doze Williams, Alpha Alpha—University of Colorado, for an undergraduate or graduate member of Alpha Theta—University of Washington, Upsilon—Washington State University, or Beta Kappa—University of British Columbia majoring in physical therapy/physiotherapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy. The 2022-2023 recipient was Genevieve Pritchard, Alpha Theta.

 The Alpha Theta Educational Housing Fund will be used to fund charitable and educational activities for the benefit of the Alpha Theta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, specifically including the support of qualifying capital building projects and project-related expenses that promote the desired atmosphere for academic study.

Ellas's Scholarship and Leadership Leaderboard
Ella’s Scholarship and Leadership Leaderboard starts now. The scholarship or leadership fund with the largest number of individual donors in the next 90 minutes will receive a bonus $1,000 reward, and the runner-up will receive a bonus $500 reward, thanks to Amalia Cochran, Zeta Lambda-Texas A&M. This leaderboard will close at 9 p.m. EDT.
Rank Prize Fund Designation Donors
1 $1,000 Gamma Theta Chapter Scholarship 10
2 $500 Delta Pi Chapter Leadership Fund 7
3 Eta Epsilon Scholarship 3
4 Zeta Xi Founders Scholarship 3
5 Epsilon Omicron Scholarship 3
Sophronia's Gift Challenge
Help the gift count climb and unlock bonus gifts towards our Day of Giving totals! At 500 gifts, a $700 Day of Giving bonus will be unlocked. At 1,000 gifts, a $1,000 Day of Giving bonus will be unlocked. And 1,500 gifts will unlock a $1,500 Day of Giving bonus. Thank you to Grand Council and Patty Purish O'Neill, Zeta Omega-Central Florida, for setting our sights high with these challenge gifts!
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